The girl who Feel from space

Indra Tor
5 min readApr 3, 2021


Ok, so let's discuss the title :)

The girl who feel from space has two meanings. Let's tackle the first one, story-wise an android has crash-landed into the garden of Vann, she is an experimental android who can feel space around her. This allows her to locate energy or objects over great distances. She has escaped the Calvak and crashed into the garden of Vann.

Vann lives on a planet on the outer rim he can't afford to live in the city so has to live above the city on the outskirts.

you can see the house of Vann has holes in it and the roof is damaged, hinting that he is not wealthy.

The 2nd reason behind the title is to promote dyslexia, I suffer from it and I want to bring some awareness to it and make it ok for people to make spelling or grammar mistakes and it's ok. I have been writing so much lately and it's not just spelling mistakes, but people who suffer from it will simply put unfamiliar words into a slot. Fell and feel is a very easy one to do, and it can go completely under the radar for a dyslexic person.

My artwork is always a personal representation of me, my work is always colorful and bold and carried parts of me in every piece. So far there have been brief nods to people or things in every piece. Each piece captures a moment and you can see my progress in each piece. I want it to be ok to share you have dyslexia and it's ok to express that you do. I am bold enough to miss spell the title to point this out everyone should not worry about this and focus on creating amazing things do not let it hold you back.

There is a special nod to my Dewdrops in this piece.

Dewdrops are what I call my collectors to me the word collector is a little cold I want a more personal connection to them and dewdrop has been selected.

Yassa is the amazing person who got my lobby piece, I represent here as business Yassa Inc of course selling eggs and August probably has the best music collection I have ever heard about; he has playlists for certain months.

I had to use that and create August music. Hopefully, they enjoy that brief nod.

I am also making a personal discord for the Dewdrops in which I want to give sneak peeks into my art, what I doing and thinking, and my life. I also want to expand on this and look at offering small NFT gifts and other crazy things.

it will always be a growing idea :) I just want to offer something, you are buying as much as me as you are my art.

If anyone has known me so far in this space, they will notice I am going to sleep at 3 am, trying to learn AI for my Uni and also mod a very busy discord helping other artists.

I have invited some amazing talent to the foundation and some have gone on to sell and hopefully, start amazing careers in the space and that is by far the best feeling ever.

Let's talk about the piece. I won't lie the city took a long to paint. I tried to keep the colors of this piece around prime colors I wanted the city to not get too complex.

I tried to create a consistent look across the city with the buildings and style and the influences for the city are clear it's very blade runner.

Also, I love the color palette of Paprika it's one of my favorite movies of all time from the late great Satoshi Kon.

I love this intro it ranks up there as one of the best intros to any movie. The music and playful hop around the city are amazing.

however, it's the color profile in the diner, and on paprika her self it's warm, bold, and eye-catching and I want to take that into my work.

Just FYI this film features so amazing nods to other films, one of them being Audrey Hepburn's first film Roman Holiday, which makes me love Satoshi Kon even more. If you watch it, see if you can spot it.

and If you don't think Satoshi has influenced things films like the requiem of a dream to inception have nods to his work.

there are many hidden details to movies and games littered in the scene I won't spoil them here so have a scan around.

A personal one however is this one.

This is a pom, and it's a nod to Cyrptopompom on Twitter who has helped me out and introduced me to amazing people. I want always to capture personal or big moments in my art. As I grow, you should be able to follow it back to the source and see moments that happened along the way.

Thank you to her and everyone :)

I wanted to make sure there was a connection to the other piece, and this was as two things.

this the ship from the last piece you can also see the sign below saying calvak corp, this however being in the outer rim they don't really care.

it's a token building for the company and it's just to show hey we are still here.

equally, you may see a small neon sign there that is a squid as a nod to the NFThypesquad :) nod to them.

The other reference is

yep, it's a pirate ship I wanted to bring it home and show crystals still powers them and show that there are distinct groups but still use whatever to fly.

Also, a nod to one of my favorite fantasy worlds: Ivalice. You can see that here the pirates are much more bold flying around the city.

I think I should wrap it up here, otherwise, I will write a novel. I hope you enjoy reading it and learning a bit more about the piece and let me know on Twitter what little hidden gems you find :)

Until next time.



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